Warts Removal in Tampa & Dade City, FL

warts removal tampa fl

  What are Warts?

Warts are a common skin condition resulting from infection by one or another strain of human papillomavirus (HPV). There are many different types of warts that can affect individuals of all ages and skin types. Most warts, especially those types most commonly seen on children, disappear on their own. When troublesome, wart removal or treated at our office.

Who is Most at Risk for Developing Warts?

Patients with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV or other immune disorder or those who have had organ transplants, are particularly susceptible to warts. Since warts are contagious through direct skin contact, strict personal hygiene can help to prevent their spread. This includes avoidance of shared personal items, such as towels or razors.

Types of Warts:

Warts appear as small skin growths, flat or slightly raised, on the surface of the skin. They can vary in coloration. Usually warts can be diagnosed by a simple medical examination, but occasionally a biopsy may be necessary to distinguish them from particular kinds of skin cancer. Different types of warts appear on different parts of the body and vary in appearance. Some of the most common varieties of warts are:

  • Common warts, which usually appear on the fingers or toes
  • Flat warts, common on face, arms or legs
  • Plantar warts, which grow on the soles of the feet
  • Filiform warts, which grow on the face or neck
  • Periungual warts, which grow around or under toenails and fingernails

How are Warts Treated?

While most varieties of warts are benign, they may be itchy, painful or embarrassing. Most can be treated through the application of medications like salicylic acid or cantharidin or through cryotherapy, a process of freezing with liquid nitrogen. In especially resistant instances, warts may require laser surgery or surgical excision with a scalpel. In most cases, treatment is permanent and warts do not return.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

Please call Florida West Coast Skin and Cancer Center at 813-877-4811 to schedule your consultation with one of our dermatologists today! We have locations in Tampa, Dade City, & serve all nearby areas.

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