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Is excessive sweating genetic?

Hyperhidrosis. If you deal daily with excessive sweating, you are likely dealing with hyperhidrosis. While the name of this condition sounds daunting, it’s the daily problems patients with this condition deal with. Staining of expensive fabrics and clothing, and embarrassment of significant underarm wetness are just a few of the issues patients with severe hyperhidrosis

Is excessive sweating genetic? Read More »

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If I treat hyperhidrosis in one area, will I sweat more somewhere else?

At Florida Westcoast Skin and Cancer Center, Dr. Michael Scannon and his associates work routinely with patients who have certain medical conditions that impact their quality of life. This includes excessive sweating, or “hyperhidrosis.” Excessive sweating can be extremely problematic for patients and cause them to feel self-conscious about their appearance and their sweating condition.

If I treat hyperhidrosis in one area, will I sweat more somewhere else? Read More »

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